7 Affordable Ways to Immigrate to Canada

Are you affected by the rising exchange rate of the Dollar against the Naira? Whether you acknowledge it or not, this economic shift has influenced many aspects of life in Nigeria, including traveling abroad. For aspiring immigrants interested in relocating to Canada, the increasing exchange rate might make this dream seem unattainable. However, there are affordable immigration routes available that can make this dream a reality. Let’s explore seven cost-effective ways to start your new life in Canada while being mindful of budget constraints.

Are Affordable Immigration Routes Worth It?

Absolutely. Seeking affordable immigration routes to Canada is a smart move, especially with the dollar continuing to rise against the Naira. Here are a few reasons why:

Career Growth

With the unfavorable economic situation and skyrocketing exchange rates, Canada offers numerous job opportunities for immigrants. The country often targets skilled workers in fields like tech, healthcare, and skilled trades. This means higher salaries and a better standard of living compared to Nigeria.

Quality of Life

Canada is known for its high quality of life, ranking among the top developed countries in the world. Immigrants gain access to excellent healthcare, world-class education, and a safe, welcoming environment.

Future for Your Family

Establishing a foundation in Canada allows you to thrive professionally and settle down with your family in a prosperous and stable country. This planning paves the way for greater opportunities for your children and future generations.

Path to Citizenship

Many affordable routes to Canada lead to permanent residency, and subsequently, the opportunity to apply for citizenship. This allows you to enjoy all the benefits of being a Canadian citizen.

Top 7 Affordable Immigration Routes to Use in Relocating to Canada

1. Canada Express Entry (EE) Route

The Canada Express Entry is one of the most efficient and affordable ways for skilled workers to secure permanent residency. This system smoothens the process for those ready to contribute their skills to the Canadian economy. Selection is based on factors like age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability.

The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) assesses eligibility, assigning scores to each candidate. Periodic draws invite those with the highest scores to apply for permanent residency. For the best chances of success, ensure a strong educational background and relevant work experience.

2. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) allows individuals to be nominated for permanent residency based on specific provincial needs. Each territory (except Quebec) has its own PNP. If you possess skills and experience that meet the requirements of a particular province, you may be nominated. This program focuses on addressing labor shortages and attracting talent crucial to regional development.

3. Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program (RNIPP)

The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program (RNIPP) targets skilled workers to address demographic challenges in smaller communities. This initiative encourages economic development and population growth in various regions. The application process involves securing a job offer and receiving a community recommendation, making you eligible to apply for permanent residency through the federal immigration system.

4. Federal Skilled Worker Class (FSWC) Program

The FSWC program targets skilled foreign workers to become permanent residents. This route is affordable and evaluates applicants based on a points system considering factors like education, language proficiency, work experience, age, employment arrangements in Canada, and adaptability. The FSWC addresses skill shortages and contributes to economic development while providing opportunities for talented individuals.

5. Canada Work Permit Immigration Route

A Canadian work permit allows you to live and work temporarily in Canada, serving as a pathway to permanent residency. To obtain a work permit, you need a job offer from a Canadian employer and must demonstrate that hiring you won’t negatively impact the Canadian workforce. While not an immediate route to permanent residency, a work permit enhances eligibility for programs like Express Entry.

6. Start-up Visa Program

The Start-Up Visa Program caters to immigrants with entrepreneurial goals and the potential to establish businesses in Canada. To qualify, you need support from a designated Canadian venture fund or angel investor group. Essential requirements include language proficiency and sufficient funds to settle in Canada. This program offers a pathway to permanent residency while contributing to economic growth through innovative businesses.

7. Canada Study Visa Route

The Canada Study Visa Route is perfect for international students pursuing education in Canada. This route allows students to study at designated learning institutions and stay in the country for the duration of their studies. While not the most affordable in terms of upfront costs, it offers long-term benefits. Students can work part-time during their studies, pursue post-graduation work permits, and enhance their eligibility for permanent residency through valuable work experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest way to relocate to Canada from Nigeria?

To move to Canada from Nigeria, individuals can apply through a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) or enter the Express Entry pool, where provinces may invite candidates to apply for immigration.

How much will it cost to relocate to Canada from Nigeria?

The approximate cost of relocating to Canada from Nigeria is around CAD 2,300 for a single applicant and CAD 4,500 for a couple, varying based on the chosen immigration program.

What is the fastest way to get permanent residency in Canada?

The fastest route to obtaining permanent residency in Canada is through the Express Entry system, with factors like language proficiency and Canadian work experience influencing the process.

How can I get an unskilled job in Canada from Nigeria?

Securing an unskilled job in Canada from Nigeria requires obtaining a job offer and a Canadian work permit. The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) includes specific streams for caregivers, agricultural laborers, and other low-wage workers to fill open positions in Canada.


These affordable immigration routes are worth considering for any Nigerian looking to relocate to Canada amid the challenges posed by the high exchange rate. Canada offers a high standard of living, comfort, and numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth.

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